Manitoba School Boards Association

Welcome to your Pension Plan site

Learn and access helpful resources and information on how your pension works to support you during your working career into retirement.

We're here to help you plan for a secure retirement at any stage of your career. Our resources and expert guidance will assist you in making informed decisions about your pension plan, so you can confidently build and plan your financial future.

Latest News

Stay up-to-date on all communications, news, and updates related to your pension plan.

News and Updates

Canada Post Strike

Canada Post negotiations may disrupt mail services. Measures are in place to ensure seamless pension and benefits administration, including email and fax submission options.

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News and Updates

Amendments to Pension Benefits Act effective October 1st, 2021

Manitoba's 2021 pension amendments allow easier access to locked-in funds during financial hardship and offer more flexibility for those 65 and older.

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Member Portal
Check your contact information, inquire into your pension account balance, contribution history, designated beneficiaries.
Visit the Member Portal

Our Commitments to You

Rights & Responsibilities

We make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities regarding your pension plan.

Plan Ahead

We help you prepare for your future with our reliable defined contribution pension plan, earning steady investment returns while limiting risk.

Effective & Efficient

We strive to provide services that are both effective and efficient for your pension needs.

Rest Assured

Rest assured that your pension plan is well-governed and in good hands with our trusted professionals.