If your employment terminates for any reason other than retirement or death, you will be entitled to your Total Account Balance adjusted by investment gains/losses. However, if your Total Account Balance is locked-in at your termination date, it must be used to provide some form of lifetime income and cannot be taken as cash. If Locked-in, your Total Account Balance may be left in the Plan (a fee of 0.6% will be charged) or transferred to a Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA). If non-locked-in, your Total Account Balance may be taken as a taxable lump sum cash payment or transferred to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).
If you would like more information, please refer to the website or contact the Pension Plan administrator.
If you choose to retire early (as early as age 50), you will generally have the same retirement income product choices as those at age 65...
Upon your death, your Spouse/Common-Law Partner or your designated beneficiary(ies) would be entitled to your Total Account Value...